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  • Parent First Aid Course

    Sun 09 Jun 2019 Mrs Potter

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    First Aid course for parents and carers. 

    The first aid for baby and child course is perfect for parents, expectant parents, grandparents, babysitters, foster parents and carers of babies and young children. Suitable for people 16 years and over, this course is designed to teach you a range of first aid skills to cope with emergency situations for babies and children from birth to puberty.

    In a typical year up to half of infants under 12 months and a quarter of older children will attend hospital. Bumps and falls are inevitable and thankfully most aren’t serious, but it is important that you know what to do if you find yourself in a first aid emergency.

    This course will teach you simple life-saving techniques and give you the opportunity to practice the skills as you learn, so you will feel more confident should you need to use them in real life.

    Course content includes:
    - dealing with an emergency
    - choking baby and child
    - unconscious breathing baby and child
    - unconscious not breathing baby and child
    - fever and febrile seizures
    - head injury
    - burns
    - swallowed something harmful
    - nosebleed

    Course lasts around 3.5 hours
    Booking essential, as spaces are limited to 12 use the link to book online                                         
    Please be aware that this is an adult only course and therefore it is unsuitable to bring children.

    Sun, 9 June 2019 10:00 – 13:30
