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Term 6

What a brilliant day! We started our morning by making bunting and table decorations. We then had a go at designing a carnival outfit, decorating a biscuit and practising our samba dance routine. We then ate lunch outside altogether with some Music. We all enjoyed showing off our dance moves! In the afternoon, we did a parade to show our headdresses that we made and designed. The whole school came and watched! So much fun was had. Well done Kestrels for a fantastic day!

When learning about Brazil, we started to think about how life may be different there compared to England, which brought us on to food. We learnt about the Brazilian desert 'Brigadeiros' and had a go at making them. We had to put butter on our hands so it didn't stick and then roll the mixture.


In Art we completed a unit on Access Art called 'Making Birds'. We started by doing some observational drawings, looking closely at pictures of birds and adding detail to our own pictures. We then did the same with feathers, using a variety of tools. This led us to create a 3D sculpture of a bird using everything we'd learnt.

In Maths this term we finished our unit on Multiplication and Division by learning about sharing and grouping. We went on a teddy bears picnic and shared cakes between them! We also covered measuring mass and capacity which we enjoyed as we used sand and water to help us with this.


We have now moved on to numbers to 100. In Week 3 we have been counting to 100 as well as reading and writing numbers.

Brilliant Brazil!

We launched our topic by using our map skills to locate Brazil and the UK on a world map. We spoke about how we could travel to Brazil. We decided it would be quickest and easiest to fly on a plane!


We have then started learning a bit more about Brazil including looking at its flag, temperature and weather and also about what it's like to live there. We have compared it to our life in the UK, specifically looking at what school is like there.


We found out that Brazil is home to the Amazon Rainforest which we also located on our map. Since then we have been learning about the animals that can be found there and the different layers of the rainforest.
