Barn Owls
Last day Teddy Bears Picnic
Welcome to Barn Owls 2020 - 2021
Welcome to Barn Owls
Welcome to Term 6
We have a few staff in Barn Owls to cover Miss Wall who sadly is off with a poorly back:
Mrs Holderness
Mrs Harris (Monday - Wednesday)
Mrs Busserole (Thursday - Friday)
Mrs Potter - (Office based): due COVID and over 28wks pregnant is taking a step back from the classroom but is based in school in an office - she will also be able to run Forest School on a Friday and is sneaking in whenever she is able to (outside nursery garden area). Unfortunately, she is restricting adult contact at this time so may not be seen by parents.
(our last term together before lots of our Barn Owl friends go on an adventure at big big school as a Robin).
This term we are looking at the theme of adventures, change and helping others:
- we will watch our caterpillars become butterflies
- help the farm animals from cheeky Lanky Len and Hefty Hew
- looking at how we change from a baby to what we look like now
Do look at the photos in Term 6 and have discussions with your Barn Owl about what they have been doing. We love to hear any 'WOW' moments at home so please do keep them coming in.
We also welcome Miss Thomas who is with us all this term every day. She is studying at Abingdon College and has already become an estblished memeber of staff working with Barn Owls on turn taking.
Dropping off and picking up:
8:45 Drop off:
Please follow the flow of parents ensuring you keep 2 metres apart - barn owl children may need to hold you hand to ensure they keep their distance from other families.
You will be welcomed by the small gate (we are the last drop off point in the circuit of parents walking round. You will see a member of staff ready to great you between 8:45 and 9:00.
We welcome our new cohort of children who will be starting in the afternoons this term. These children will be visiting this week and starting next week. We will have a few new faces which we welcome warmly.
Collection times are as follows: Due to COVID our current collection time is for all parents between 14:45 and 15:00.
During the school day:
11:45 pick up:
Please come to the side tall gate where a member of staff will be ready to greet you, please wait in the garden area but adhering to 2 metres between you and other adults. We also strongly encourage you to wear a mask.
Afternoon session:
drop off is at 11:45 - this will be at the large gate by Nursery Garden and then the white doors from nursery garden.
Staffing in Barn Owls:
Monday - Wednesday Wednesday - Friday
Mrs Louise Potter Mrs Libby Holderness
Jane Syme Jane Syme
Mrs Kelly Wall Mrs Kelly Wall
Libby Holderness:
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At Sutton Courtenay C of E Primary School we follow the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Playing and exploring – engagement
Finding out and exploring
Playing with what they know
Being willing to ‘have a go’
Active learning – motivation
Being involved and concentrating
Keeping trying
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Creating and thinking critically – thinking
Having their own ideas
Making links
Choosing ways to do things
Area of Learning and Development
The 3 prime areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
- Physical Development (PD)
- Communication and Language (CL)
The 4 specific areas of learning:
- Literacy (L)
- Mathematics (M)
- Understanding of the World (UW)
- Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)
Within each of these areas there are additional categories and these are then affiliated into phases of development. When staff record observations about the children they link these to the EYFS and the individual categories that they fall into. Staff summarise the children’s development six times a year, using these observations and share these through our paper Learning Journeys and our online tracking system.
Children learn best when they’re tuned in to what they’re doing. “When a child is totally absorbed, digging in the mud, for example, we don’t actually know what they’re learning, but that’s not necessarily what’s important – what’s important is that they’re deeply engaged in it.
We measure quality here by using Ferre Laevers’ levels of involvement – that’s how we assess children, and every bit of equipment. What Laevers did has been backed up by brain-scanning research, which shows that when a child is engaged, their whole brain lights up. That’s actual, physical progress happening – a child’s brain growing. So if we’re getting level 5 involvement, we know we’re doing it right. If we’re not getting level 5, we keep changing things until we do.