Term 6
Transition day with Miss Boyd, Mrs Allison, Mrs Crawford and Mrs Potter
We had a brilliant time on our local history walk. We looked carefully at the buildings along the way to the Church and thought about if they were old or new. We then enjoyed a tour around the Church before having lunch and a play in the park!
We had a great time at Forest School doing a minibeast hunt!
Welcome to Term 6! Our last term of the year! Our topic this term is 'Minibeast Madness'. We will be learning about human and physical geographical features, minibeasts and microhabitats, where our fruit and veg comes from and we will have a go at making our own fruit salad. We will also be creating lots of art this term, including minibeast sketches, snail spiral pictures and minibeast collages!
In English we will be reading 'The Great Paper Caper' and 'Hermelin: The Detective Mouse'. We will be writing instructions, questions, persuasive letters and minibeast riddle poems.
In Maths we will be learning about time, statistics and position and direction.
In Science we will be learning about Minibeasts!