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Home learning Help


Homework will be set on Google Classroom on a weekly basis and will focus on maths and spelling. The children each have a Doodle Maths account and a Spell Zone account which are personalised to their learning needs and responsive to their progression to ensure continued challenge and learning.

Log-in details and passwords can be found on the back of reading records.

Doodle Maths - can be completed on the free App or via the Doodle Maths website. The children should do 15 minutes a day 4x per week. To make this simple, we suggest they aim to achieve 21 stars a day or around 80 stars a week.

Spell Zone - has two learning pathways (available via the Internet). The first builds on the child's specific needs following a spelling assessment and the second is based on consolidating classroom learning. Children should do one pathway and one teacher set activity a week.

Reading - Please also remember that children in Years 5 and 6 should be reading on a daily basis for a minimum of 20 minutes a day (ideally for 30 -45 minutes) from a wide range of texts to ensure they are developing vocabulary and stamina they will need for learning at seconday school.


Home learning as a result of Covid-19 isolation or lockdown

Home learning activities (based on that week's classroom learning) will be available to all children on Google Classroom. Please look for the weekly Isolation Learning  topic in the Classroom (not the stream) where assignments for maths, English, science, humanities and other subjects will be set. Children only need to complete this learning if they are at home due to needing to quarantine or because of a bubble lockdown. Obviously, if children are unwell, they are not expected to complete the work.


If children or parents need support with any learning at home, please let Ms Parks know.
