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Kilvrough 2024!

Kilvrough 2024 - Here we come!

On Monday 22nd April Red Kites are heading off to Kilvrough Manor, Swansea, Wales. Going are 25 amazing Red Kites, Ms Parks, Mrs Knight and Mr Blagrove. They will also be joined at the beginning of the week by Mrs Hornsey and the end of the week Mrs Potter. Each day we will share photos of the fun we are having on this page, so keep watching this space...... (It starts at the bottom of the page, with the latest pics being added at the top)

On the beach - 3D art and rock pooling - What a lovely end to our week, a day on the beach! Following that we will head back to Kilvrough and sdly begin our journey home.

Last breakfast and cleaning our rooms before heading to the beach

An eventful evening - a few pics of us having a cosy midnight games and snack!

Wednesday Evening - After our very busy day, this evening we went on a gorgeous walk to take in the amazing view of Three Cliffs Bay. Our route took us through woods and across a golf course and we got to explore the ruins of Pennard Castle. All the teachers are hoping it will mean another good night's sleep!

Wednesday Group D - The Dangerous Daredevils. 
Today we have been canoeing in the Neath Canal which was beautifully calm. We learned a lot about team work as we cooperated together to get all the boats into the water. In the boat, one person was the ‘engine’ and one person the ‘rudder’. We had to work together m, otherwise we ended up going in circles or getting stuck in the trees! Everyone did incredibly well and there were smiles all round. We completed a 3 mile course!

Wednesday Group E (The Enchanted Eagles!) - Rock Climbing. What an amazing day we’re having at Pobbles beach, rock climbing. The whole group have challenged themselves and demonstrates excellent team work doing all the jobs involved and keeping each other safe. We are so proud!

Den Building - This evening we have had a den building competition in the wooden area, They have worked as teams and used all their previously learned forest school skills. Tonight was also our first tuck shop night so that was very exciting!

Tuesday: Group D have been climbing.- some even blindfolded!

Tuesday.: Group E - Caving. We had a challenging but fun day caving. Everyone did so well and should be very proud of their achievements. NEW PHOTOS ADDED

A great afternoon and evening, exploring Kilvrough Manor, setting our bedrooms up and having dinner - smiles all round

Monday 22nd April - We’re in Wales!
