OFSTED and SIAMS Reports
Ofsted Inspections
The most recent OFSTED inspection was on 21-22 November 2023.
The school was been graded as ‘Good’ for behaviour and attitudes, personal development and early years provision but ‘Requires Improvement’ overall.
Key factors were inspectors judgement around the accuracy of assessment across the curriculum, and the provision of pupils with SEND.
You will be aware from the media that Ofsted have been challenged in recent months over the consistency of their judgements.
Post Ofsted SEND External Review
In order to help us to interpret the Ofsted view, we commissioned an external review of SEND provison in March 2024. The full report is below. Based on the extensive evidence seen, the report found:
- Teachers use assessment well. For example, teachers understood what progress looks like for individual pupils.
- Learners with SEND make consistently strong progress across a wide range of subjects and achieve the best possible educational and wider outcomes.
- Aspects of the school's SEND provision are exemplary and regularly shared with others.
Statutory Assessment Results
It is re-assuring to see that in 2024 we are again celebrating Key Stage 2 results, which are significantly above the national average. In this cohort with 29% SEND, which shows how hard we have all worked with children, their families and other agencies to get the very best progress we can for all our children, and that with determination many can reach the national benchmark standard. This is of course not something that just happens in Year 6 – it is a result of a whole school culture.
Follow the link below to see more of our results.
Ofsted Parent View
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about our school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. We are very proud of the feedback we receive from parents. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. To complete or survey or to view the current results, please follow the attached link:-
SIAMS Inspections
The most recent SIAMS (church school inspection) November 2022 judged the school to be Good in all areas.
This is because:
- The school lives out its Christian vision, enriching and supporting the lives of all families within the community. Modelled by the headteacher, staff demonstrate an uncompromising service, nurturing readiness to learn, respect and responsibility.
- The mutually beneficial relationship between the school and the Ridgeway Education Trust supports leaders to be aspirational for all individuals. Governors monitor effectively to examine how the vision enables pupils to flourish academically and emotionally.
- The subject leader for religious education (RE) has an ambitious vision which ensures pupils demonstrate a good knowledge of the Bible and Christian beliefs. Pupils share their respect for diversity and equality. Pupils only have a developing knowledge of major world faiths.
- Relationships, based upon trust and compassion, uphold all adults, enabling them to grow professionally whilst serving the needs of the pupils. Supportive partnerships lead to improved practice and the nurturing of future Church school leaders.
- Collective worship offers calm, inclusive opportunities to deepen pupils' knowledge of biblical stories and the teachings of Jesus. Wider opportunities for pupils to explore spirituality are being developed