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Keeping Safe


At Sutton Courtenay Primary School we recognise our statutory responsibility to safeguard our pupils.  We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, pupils and staff at school.


If you have any concerns, please speak to:

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mrs Raluca Chende

Deputy Safeguarding Lead:

Miss Angela Holden 

Mrs Lisa Knight

Mrs Lyndsay Whittington

Mrs Louise Potter

Home school link:

Mrs Lyndsay Whittington 

Safeguarding Governor:

Revd Helen Kendrick

Growing Up and Changing

The documents below tell you about what behaviours are normal and expected as your child develops sexually, and when you might be concerned.

There are two leaflets, one for children under 5 and one for 5-11. If you do have any concerns, speak to a member of staff.


The PANTS rule

We teach children the PANTS rule for keeping themselves safe:


Privates are private

Always remember- your body belongs to you

No means no

Talk about secrets that upset you

Speak up, someone can help


We try to give children the confidence and vocabulary to talk about things they are not comfortable with.  There are more details of how we approach this in our Sex and Relationships policy, found in the Key Information - Policies section of this site.


Here is a link to the NSPCC website where you can learn more.



Staying safe on-line is an increasing risk that faces our children. The ease of access to the internet through phones, tablets, laptops, games consoles etc opens up a huge world of learning but the potential to expose them to peer on peer cyber-bullying, grooming, child sexual exploitation (CSE) and other risks.

To help our parents work with us to keep children safe we have create a webpage specifically about e-safety.

Please follow the link below.


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