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Term 2

This is what we have been focusing on this term:

  • Maths- Perimeter and Multiplication
  • English- Reading Tar Beach and writing our own character descriptions.
  • R.E- Why is Christmas so important to Christians? 
  • Humanities- The Stone Age- How did farming influence Prehistoric Britain?  
  • P.E- Gymnastics
  • Science- Forces
  • D.T- Kites - Designing and making our own kites. (Children who did Forest School in Term 1 will complete D.T in Term 2) 
  • French- All about town
  • Music- Developing our keyboard skills
  • PSHE- Reflecting on our behaviour and beginning to learn about our 'Zones of Regulation'. 

Monday 15th November- We starting writing character descriptions for the characters Cassie and BeBe in ‘Tar Beach’

Wednesday 24th November- Science lesson learning about the strengths of magnets

Tuesday 30th November- The Wrens finally reached their goal of earning a class party by filling up the gem jar. Gems are given for the whole class when they are completing tasks or following instructions to a very high standard. We are very proud of how hard they work and how far they’ve come in these areas! The wrens chose a movie party watching Luca and eating popcorn and marshmallows.

Thursday 16th December- Our class Christmas party!! Just dance, musical statues and watching Olaf’s adventures!
