Term 2
This term our topic has been 'Let's Celebrate'. Part of our topic this term was performing in our Nativity, 'Barmee Bethlehem' which all the children thoroughly enjoyed. They really impressed their audience with their fantastic singing and clear speaking. A huge well done Kingfishers, we are so proud of you all!
In English, we started our first sentence stacking unit based on the story 'The Crow's Tale'. It has been lovely to watch the children's confidence grow with this and to see them working hard to edit and improve their sentences, whilst remembering capital letters, full stops and gaps.
In Maths this term we have been learning how to add and subtract numbers within 100 - including 2 2-digit numbers! We have used base 10 equipment to help us.
In Science we have learnt about materials and their different uses.
We started our Topic by learning about the Gunpowder Plot and creating firework art using pastels. Towards the end of the term we learnt how to make a moving picture using different mechanisms; sliders, levers and wheels. The children then had a go at designing and making their own moving picture.
Well done for another brilliant term Kingfishers!
Look at the amazing Christingles we made!
We hope you all had a lovely half-term break. Welcome back to Term 2.
In English during this first week back we will be working towards writing some firework poems with a focus on adjectives.
In Maths we will be finishing off our Place Value unit and then starting unit 2 - Addition and Subtraction.
Our Nativity play 'Barmy Bethlehem' was a huge success. We all thoroughly enjoyed acting, singing and performing to the rest of the school and our parents and carers.