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Term 4

Our topic map for this term.

Term 4 week 5

This week we have been learning about how and why Christians celebrate Easter.

We have used puppets to retell the story. You can see our beautiful stained glass Crosses in the window. 

There has been lots of fun in the garden looking for plastic eggs and counting these by placing them in nests. We enjoyed playing with the Robins class and also singing our Easter song together.

Term 4 week 4

This week our story was Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell. The poor duck is busy working on the farm and doing all the jobs inside the house too. The lazy farmer is in bed and not helping at all. Luckily the duck's friends come to his rescue and they chase the farmer away, so they can all live happily on the farm together helping each other.

We have replanted our beans that have been growing. It was exciting to see how the roots and shoots of the bean had changed.

Barn Owls have a saying. When someone says, "What's going to work?", they reply; "Teamwork!".

The Barn Owls showed how they worked together as a team to get the jobs completed, just like Farmer Duck had to do. This was the ironing and washing in the home corner. Outside they cleaned the cars and make meals in the garden kitchen.

We also enjoyed a walk around the school looking for signs of Spring.

Term 4 week 3

This week we have been reading the story of The Enormous Turnip. We made our own turnips from playdough. We having been sorting vegetables to print pictures and make patterns too. The Barn Owls have worked together to try and pull an enormous turnip by pulling the rope as a team. There was also turnip soup making in the water tray!

As flowers in the garden begins to grow, we are excited to watch the seeds we have planted grow too.

There was lots of fun on World Book Day when we dressed up as characters from our favourite books, used puppets to retell stories, and listened to stories together.

Term 4 week 2

This week we have been reading the story of Jasper's Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth.

Jasper the cat finds a bean, plants it and cares for it, but gets very impatient that it has not grown in a week. He digs it up and throws it out the window! A long time later a beanstalk does grow and he wonders what might be at the top of it...

We have put our own beans in a bag with moist paper towel and we are waiting patiently to see what happens. You can see them pegged in our classroom window.

There was lots of fun when we used different watering cans to explore the water tray and tubes  on Wednesday. We also wanted to see which items could float or sink.

Just like Jasper, we thought about what we might find at the top of the beanstalk and created our own pictures. These included; treasure, chocolate, rainbows and a friendly spider! Working together we created our own beanstalk, which you can see growing up our class display. We have also measured our heights, so we can put a leaf on the beanstalk to show how tall we are.

During snack time, we now have the snack shop where children take it in turns to be the shopkeeper and choose a price for the fruit pieces and their friends have to count the counters needed to 'pay' for the fruit. The Barn Owls have been fantastic at turn taking and counting.

This week we have also used the musical instruments to create music that we thought the beanstalk might grow to. The Barn Owls have also been showing how great their listening skills have become, as they took it in turns to sit in the middle of the circle wearing a blindfold and had to guess who they could hear in the game. They have also been using these listening skills as we develop our lettersounds in phonics, and blending sounds together.

Another busy and fun filled week!

Term 4 week 1

We have had a wonderful first week back. This week we have been reading a nonfiction book, A Seed in Need by Sam Godwin and starting to learn about the plant lifecycle. We made our own paper plant pots and have potted some seeds. Despite the wet weather we have enjoyed looking for signs of Spring around the grounds, using our new binoculars and magnify glasses. 

Using building blocks we made our own stems and adding leaves and flowers. You can see some of them are as tall as us! There has been lots of great turn taking and sharing this week, when we have played games and worked together. Well done Barn Owls!
