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Phonics workshop presentation

Half term phonics ideas

Tricky Words - Listen to our tricky word song and join in if you can! What tricky words can you see?

Week commencing 21st November 

This week we have learnt the sounds l, ll and f.

Week commencing 14th November 

We have learnt the sounds g, o and u. 

Week commencing 7th November 

This week we have learnt the sounds 'd' and 'm'

I have attached the presentation from the phonics workshop which took place on Friday 4th November. Please feel free to email me with any questions you have. 

Week commencing 17th October

This week we have learnt the sounds 'h' and 'r'

Week commencing 10th October 

We have learnt the 'e' sound. 

This week we have also learnt our first digraph 'ck'. A digraph is two letters combined that make one sound. When we talk about digraphs in class we say that the two letters are holding hands. We have been discussing where this sound appears in words and we have noticed that it is always in the middle or at the end of a word. For example, sack, pack, sick, pick, kick, packet.

Week commencing 3rd October 

This week we have learnt the sounds 'n'  'c'  'k'

Week commencing 26th September

This week we have learnt the sounds 't'  'i'  'p'

We have been practising blending these sounds together to read words. For example, sat, sit, pit, tip, tap.

Week commencing 19th September

This week we started whole class phonics. We have been working hard to concentrate and have been practising our new sounds 's' and 'a'. We have also started looking at tricky words and have been introduced to the words I and the.
