Term 4
This topic starts with the story of 'Katie in London' By James Mayhew. Through the story, we travel around London with Katie, discovering many London Landmarks.
In English we will be using this text to look at characters, setting, key punctuation for questions and lists as well as writing our own ending for the story. Then we will move onto letter writing, in the role of Katie.
This topic is predominantly Geography and History based with us learning where London is in comparison to where we live, using maps of different scales to locate places and finding out about The Great Fire of London and it's impact.
In combined English and Topic lessons we will work in small groups to plan and prepare an oral presentation on a famous London Landmark, making resources to support the presentation.
Art will involve us looking at a range of artists and how they depict scenes of London. We will then create our own water colour picture, including a colour wash background, of a famous London Landmark.
Design and Technology will take place at the end of the term and will involve the children creating a piece of bunting using template design and sewing - this will then be strung together to create class bunting fit for a Royal party!
What a lovely afternoon to enjoy a story outside!

This afternoon, Wrens shared their writing with Kingfishers. Mr Stoodley started by reading the story 'FArTHER' By Grahame Baker-Smith. Then some of Wrens chose to read their sequels they have been working on in English with a friend/sibling or two.