Term 5
Term 5 Learning
In English we have based our writing on the book 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon. We drew and wrote about what we thought Beegu's home planet would be like, we wrote questions we would like to ask Beegu and we wrote postcards to Beegu and she wrote back! We also created Neil Armstrong fact files and wrote a newspaper report about the first men on the moon!
In Maths we have completed units on length and height, fractions, volume and capacity and have been practising our important arithmetic skills throughout. Next term we will start a unit on time.
In Topic and Science this term our topic has been Space! The children have really enjoyed this topic and have learnt lots. We started by learning about the world's 7 continents and 5 oceans, then we looked at famous astronauts and the equipment they use, we also learnt about the 'Space Race', the planets in the solar system, how the earth orbits and rotates and completed some abstract art whilst listening to music.
We also thoroughly enjoyed making and testing our rockets at the end of this term!
You have worked so hard this term Kingfishers - we are so proud of you all!