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Term 2

Our Term 2 Topic - Let There Be Light!

Kestrels have been working so hard this term on our topic, 'Let There Be Light'. This term has been very busy with lots of practise going into our Nativity, 'A Miracle in Town'. Kestrels have wowed the adults with their fantastic singing and actions and we can't wait for you to come and watch!


In Maths this term we have moved on to learning about addition and subtraction within 10. We have used tens frames, part whole models, number lines and drawings to help us with this. We have learnt to find the whole, missing parts and also tackle word problems!


In English, we have been focusing on our sentence writing, using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We also began to write simple stories, sequencing sentences in the correct order. Kestrels have also been introduced to questions and exclamations and the punctuation that goes with this.


In Topic we have learnt about light and dark including nocturnal animals and shadows. In Art we used paint to experiment with different tools and the marks they make. We of course started the term with looking at fireworks and making our own firework art!


What a brilliant term of learning. Well done Kestrels!
