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Welcome to Year 2 Kingfishers!





How can you help your child at home?

Reading - At this age, the most important thing is reading regularly. This can be reading to your child, shared reading and listening to them read. Asking them questions about what they have read and how the characters have behaved and are feeling is essential.

Writing - Make the most of real life situations to encourage your child to write, such as writing a shopping list, a letter, postcard, instructions or even a quick note.

Maths - Number facts underpin everything we do in maths. Your child has access to a website called 'Numbots' which develops their retention of number facts. They only need to spend 5 mins on it every other day to really see the difference. Please use the log in card you have been given, any problems, let us know.


Staffing in Kingfishers Class

There are 4 members of staff working across the week in Kingfishers class:


Mrs Hutchinson is the Class Teacher on Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs Knight is the Class Teacher on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Miss Whitaker is the Class Teaching Assistant Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday;

Ms Bagnall is the Class Teaching Thursday and Friday


Communication in Kingfishers Class

We work extremely hard to ensure communication is strong within our team, this means if you tell one of us something important about your child, you can feel reassured we will let other staff in the team know. 


We believe that communication between staff and parents is crucial and always want you to feel you can talk to us if you have any concerns or want to tell us something about your child. Our focus each morning is to greet and settle each child and give them the attention they deserve, therefore please could we ask that if you have any general questions or comments could you speak with us at the end of the day. Unless it is something which may impact on your child's day that it is essential for us to know, then of course please tell us as you drop your child off.


Class Reward!

We have been working towards getting 40 gems in our treasure chest and today we did it! So this afternoon we had fun games, including the parachute, a biscuit treat and some extra discovery time, where we could choose what we wanted to do. We had such fun but the afternoon went too quickly!

What will Kingfishers be learning this year?
