Helpful Websites
We use a range of different websites in school both individually and as a class.
We each have an individual log in for Numbots which is used in school. This can also be logged into at home, either online in an internet browser or there is an app that can be downloaded. Numbots helps children practise number facts and develop their fluency in Maths.
Your child's Numbots login can be obtained from a staff member but they will be sent home at the beginning of the year.
Here is a link to the website
Comics can be downloaded from Phonics Play and read on a computer or printed. They are short, decodable texts with bright and colourful pictures. These are sometimes helpful if your child is feeling unmotivated to read!
Oxford Owl e-Library
The Oxford Owl website has a free e-library of books available to read on a computer. If you are unsure which level to start on please ask a member of staff.
Number blocks and Alphablocks
Number blocks and Alphablocks are an excellent resource and are often used to accompany our learning in school. All of the episodes can be found on BBC iplayer and there are some mini games available on the BBC website, as linked below.
Phonics Play
Whilst Phonics Play mainly requires a subscription, their website has three fantastic games available for free. Some of these games link very closely to the Phonics Check that is taken in the Summer term of Year 1. These can be found by following the link below.