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Term 1

This is what we have been focusing on this term:

  • Maths- Number and Place Value
  • English- 'The Iron Man'- writing to build tension
  • R.E- Hinduism - The Diwali Story and matching Hindu symbols to their meanings. 
  • Science- Sound
  • Humanities- The Romans
  • P.E- Hockey - How to control a hockey stick and getting into full games.
  • D.T- Kites - Designing and making our own kites. 
  • French- Greetings and my family
  • Music- Developing our keyboard skills
  • PSHE- Reflecting friendships and our zones of regulation
  • Art- Telling a story through pictures 

We are starting our science topic about sound by testing different items to see what sounds we can make from them!

We are learning about how we can represent numbers using part-whole models, place value grids and base ten. Pick a number in the thousands and ask a your child to represent it!

Our science topic this term is sound- Wrens have been making instruments out of junk modelling in which they can play both a low and high pitched sound

Our D.T project this term is Kites! Wrens have been testing their prototypes and seeing what they need to change. Ask your wrens to draw and label a kite with all the important parts!
