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Term 3

This is what we have been focusing on this term:

  • Maths- Multiplication and Area
  • English- Story sequel and letter writing
  • R.E- Faith is a Superpower, Hindu and Christianity 
  • Humanities- U.K. Coasts and Ports
  • P.E- Fitness and Games
  • Science- Animals, including humans
  • D.T- Levers- Making posters that move (Children who do Forest School in Term 3 will complete D.T in Term 4) 
  • French- Going Shopping
  • Music- Rhythm 
  • PSHE- Inclusivity   

Wednesday 5th January- We were practicing our writing of music with Miss Melidis.

Friday 14th January- Reading our class book Check mates has made us want to play chess ourselves!

Friday 28th January- We have fish! We spent time naming them and finding out facts on how to care for them.

Monday 7th February- We wrote our own prayers after talking about the reasons for prayer and why people pray.
