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Welcome to Falcons 



We are delighted to welcome back our year 6 children who, we are sure, will be excited about being back together again.  We have an exciting curriculum planned which we hope will challenge and engage the children in their learning.


Falcons' Teaching Team

Mrs Hamblin (Teacher)

Mrs Clark (Teaching Assistant)

Science: The Heart. Investigating heart rate by exercising (and resting).

Science: The Heart: After learning about the heart and looking at diagrams, we looked at the real thing (lambs hearts) The children were able to identify some of the part of the heart they had learnt about. Dissecting

Dandelion Poem

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Dandelion Poetry

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Dandelion Poetry

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After reading the beautiful poetry book 'The Lost Words', Falcons wrote their own poems about dandelions. They gathered vocabulary beginning with the letter 'D' and selected words that linked with the stages of the lifecycle, being imaginative and adventurous with their choices.

Falcons' Dandelion Poetry
