Term 1
Wrens have settled in brilliantly this term, we spent the first two weeks making sure the Wrens understood the expectations for the class for example volume level, assembly focus and carpet behaviour. They took all of this in their stride and even welcomed our new student from Afghanistan with lots of care and kindness.
This is what we have been focusing on this term:
- Maths- Number and Place Value
- English- 'The Lost Words' - We have been creating our own acrostic poems and writing an information text about a made up British bird.
- R.E- Hinduism - The Diwali Story and matching Hindu symbols to their meanings.
- Science- Sound
- Humanities- The Stone Age- What was life like in Prehistoric Britain?
- P.E- Hockey - How to control a hockey stick and getting into full games.
- D.T- Kites - Designing and making our own kites. (Children who did Forest School in Term 1 will complete D.T in Term 2)
- French- Greetings and 'about me'
- Music- Developing our keyboard skills
- PSHE- Reflecting on our behaviour and beginning to learn about our 'Zones of Regulation'.