Term 6
As the Red Kites start Term 6, they have lots to look forward to. Soon they will become the oldest children in the school yet, before that, they have a jam-packed final term as Year 5 which will include our Egyptian Museum experience evening, a Space Dome visit, Sports Day, a poetry slam, end of year assessments and our residential trip to Kilvrough! A full overview of the curriculum can be found here - Term 6 Curriculum
Egyptian Day!
We had a fantastic day which started with us all learning hieroglyphics and learning to write our own names. Once we mastered this small scale we went large with long strips of paper and paint. Then during the afternoon, we developed our food technology skills by making Egyptian date cake, bread balls and a delicious yoghurt dip called Salatit Zababi. The highlight of our day was coming back to school with our families for our 'Night at the Museum' evening. This provided us all with the opportunity to share the amazing artefacts homework projects we have been working on as well as the scrummy Egyptian food!
Egyptian Recipes - Incase you enjoyed them so much that you want to make them at home!
Beacon Hill Over the summer holidays you might like to go on a family picnic to Beacon Hill. It is just south of Newbury and is the site of Lord Carnarvon's grave, overlooking his home, Highclere Castle. He supported his friend Howard Carter by funding the excavation of Tutankhamun's Tomb and was there to see the greatest discovery in History. It is just off the A34, there is a carpark at the bottom and as well as the fenced grave there are also amazing views.