Our Curriculum
Our Maths curriculum is bespoke to our school. It is based on the White Rose scheme and uses the excellent resources it provides but has been revised to include:
- The addition of extra resources to promote number fact retrieval and fluency in arithmetic.
- The adaptation of the scheme to focus on specific models and representations in a deliberate, cumulative way as they move through the year groups in our school context.
- The planned use of core representations across more areas of maths as they move through Foundation, Key Stage 1 and 2, preparing children well for the transition to Key Stage 3.
- The development of opportunities to create challenge for all pupils, including those who have SEND or are slower to grasp concepts, through the use of additional materials such as those available from NCETM.
Adaptations to ensure pupils meet the “ready to progress criteria” which identify the most important conceptual knowledge and understanding that pupils need as they progress from Year 1 to Year 6 and beyond.
More detail about our curriculum can be found below.
Find out what your child is learning during the year.
The most efficient way to find out what your child is learning and how they are taught is to look at the White Rose website which has excellent information for parents and videos to help you support your child's learning.
Primary school maths resources | White Rose Maths (whiteroseeducation.com)