Autumn 2
Experience Christmas
Just before Christmas, the children went off to the church with Reverend Helen to learn about the Christmas story, Linking to our R.E. module. The children took part in a variety of parts of the story, played different characters (including animals) and discussed the meaning of Christmas to Christians.
An exciting visit
Oliver recently entered a competition to design a wrap for the new Mini-Electric in the Mini-Minds competition with Crayola. As a result he has won a wonderful selection of art resources from Crayola for the school – thank you Oliver!
One part of the prize was to get his design put on a real MINI Electric which was delivered to the school today. It was the first time Oliver had seen his design on the car, and it was lovely to share this with his friends. The photographs taken will be used in the Mini Electric marketing campaign so we are all hoping to see a lot more of Oliver’s wonderful design.