Term 6
Are We Nearly There Yet?
Term 6
This term we are thinking about what we all enjoy doing during the summer time and hopefully there will be some sunshine to enjoy too!
Our topic ' Are We Nearly There Yet?' links different types of transport to different types of holidays. The summer term is also when our older Barn Owls are getting ready for the transition to Robins class. We are looking forward to our annual Teddy Bear's picnic at the Outdoor Education Centre in Sutton Courtenay.
Term 6 Week 1 What the Ladybird Heard
Term 6 Week 1
The Barn Owls have enjoyed their first week back. The story we have been reading this week is What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson. We have enjoyed retelling the story using puppets and playing in our farm scene with cereals for different crops.
The Barn Owls have been camping this week in our garden with a pretend campfire to toast our tissue paper marshmallows! They have also been making their own tents and dens with blankets.
We have been looking after our plants, taking turns to water them and seeing how they have grown.
We used our fine motor skills to decorate biscuits to make them look like ladybirds. We used our gross motor skills to build our own tractor using the crates and wheels and have had fun taking turns to drive it. The Barn Owls have been amazing at remembering and showing our class rules of Kind hands, kind feet and kind words this week, especially when we played with the parachute. A great first week!
What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday
Term 6 Week 2
This week we have been reading the story What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday by Julia Donaldson. The ladybird is on holiday in London and helps the animals at the zoo to stop Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len from stealing jewels from the palace.
We have been making and travelling on buses, just like the red double decker buses in London. Our Wendy House has become a Travel Agents and the Barn Owls have been busy booking holidays to sunny destinations!
Teddy Bear Picnic Trip
If you go down to the woods today...

Our fantastic day out at SCEEC finding out what our teddies need to survive.
We had a wonderful day at the Sutton Courtenay Outdoor Education Centre on Wednesday, where we went for our Teddy Bear Picnic trip. The sun was shining as we learnt about the four most important things our bears need; shelter, water, air and food. We then had lots of different activities where we could find water, by making our own pretend pond and going on a grub hunt. Then, finally making a shelter in the woods for our bears. The Barn Owls were brilliant on our day out. We even meet a dinosaur called Dennis there! After we enjoyed our own picnic lunch in the woods, we went on a bear hunt using our binoculars, we saw lots of different types of bears hiding in the woods. Of course, when we asked our children what they enjoyed about the day, they all mentioned the mini bus journey! Thank you Mrs Potter for organising the bus and being our driver for the day.
What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside
Term 6 Week 3
This week we have been reading the story of What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside by Julia Donaldson. Luckily it has been a sunny week to be at the seaside. We have been making flags to go on our sandcastles. There was lots of fun when we went 'swimming' in the sea on the blue tarpaulin. You can see some of the Barn Owls were using their floats to help them swim! We enjoyed exploring the different shells and making prints with them in the playdough. Some Barn Owls enjoyed a Forest School session this week. Those not at Forest School took part in the Write Dance activity, where we used shaving foam and paint to create patterns to help develop our writing skills.
The Train Ride
Term 6 week 4
This week we have been reading the story The Train Ride by June Crebbin. We have been making trains and tracks with a variety of resources. There have also been creative ways to cool down in the heat from putting our feet in the tuff tray of water and running under the jets of water from the hose. You may have noticed that our garden kitchen has been moved about, allowing it to be easier to use water in it. There are four new water containers to hold the different colour water for mixing. All the children have enjoyed spending time in there this week.
Our Minibus trip to the Village Green and church during local history week
Term 6 week 5 Airport and Local History Week
Term 6 week 5
This week we have been reading the book Amazing Aeroplanes by Tony Mitton and Ant Parker. The castle was our check in desk, the home corner became the airport lounge and you would have seen our plane in the garden, ready for take off. There was even a trolley for the cabin crew to serve refreshments. Children have been learning about the job of the pilot and what happens when we go to the airport to fly. The children have been making passports and luggage labels. You can see from the photos they have packed their suitcases for sunny destinations!
It has been a very busy week as we went on the minibus to the village Green. As part of the local history week we wanted to see how the the Green had changed over time. We had looked at old black and white photographs to see what is the same and what is new. The Barn Owls had their photograph taken by the tall tree that was very small in the original photograph. We enjoyed exploring All Saints church and The Abbey.
On Friday some of us had our Forest school session and the wet weather added to the fun of toasting marshmallows and pushing the diggers down the muddy hill!
The Colour Monster goes to School
Term 6 Week 6
This week we have been reading the book The Colour Monster goes to School by Anna Llenas. He has lot of different feelings about starting school. The Barn Owls have been exploring those feelings through stories, art and music. Our role play area this week has been the school uniform and book bags. Our transition day on Wednesday went very well. Our older Barn Owls were very excited to visit the Robins class, and our younger Barn Owls enjoyed being the only children left in the class!