Art Gallery
Year 3 - investigating symmetry in design
Year 6 - Protest posters using ink printing techniques
Year 3 - Self Portraits in paint and pastel
Year 5 - Triptych studies of bees
Nursery - Busy bee potato prints
Year 5 - exploring typography
Year 4 - Responses in pencil to exploration of 'Angry Letters'
Year 3 - Responses in paint to the poem 'Autumn Trees'
Year 1 and 2 - investigating spirals
Year 5 - Observational sketches of food packaging
Year 2 - wax resist with background wash for polar landscape collage
Year 4 - exploring wax resist and colour bleeding
Year 6- clay self portraits
Year 5 and 6 - Sketch book studies
Year 5 and 6- experimenting with media to respond to plants
Whole school project- The House On The Rock
Year 3 and 4: observational drawing of poppies.
Year 4 and 5- Mythical creatures using line and pattern
Year 4 and 5 Paint and pattern
Year 3 and 4- Observational drawings of plants in response to the science curriculum
Whole school project- exploring circles through natural observation
Whole school project- investigating flower design through observation
Whole school project- investigating media through dots
Reception- exploring colour and surface texture
Reception- using shape and colour
Year 3 and 4- exploring line, enclosure and colour
Year 4 and 5 Collage responses to Kandinsky
Year 5 and 6- responses to Stonehenge
Year 3 and 4- large scale chalk designs
Year 5 and 6 Inspired by Anthony Gormley’s Field
Year 5 and 6 Chalk and home made charcoal
Year 3 and 4- oil crayon responses to The Great Fire of London
Year 1 and 2 Shadow puppets
Nursery- collage Diva lamps investigating translucency
Year 2- Exploring pattern with paint.
Reception: Oil crayon inspired by fireworks.
Year 2: Oil crayon- Rangoli inspired designs
Reception- Natural collage
Reception- Paint with brush and cork
Year 3 and 4 oil crayon- inspired by volcanoes
Nursery paint - investigating colour while printing with leaves
Year 2 clay- investigating pulling shapes from a block to make a superhero in Year 2
Year 4,5 and 6 pastel- understanding light source to create depth
Reception pen and paint- Feelings monsters
Reception paint and pen- Self portraits
Year 3 and 4 skyline paintings in four colours
Year 3 Pencil drawings of ‘Wild Things’ in response to their reading
Year 5 and 6 Maleable materials. Wands made with hot glue gun.
Reception- Self portraits
Year 3 Pastel drawings inspired by knowledge of cave paintings
Nursery- Wax crayon on hot rocks to create vibrant colour for rock pets.
Year 4 Use of time to create 3D effects
Year 2 Collage of Inuit traditional dress
Year 1 Pencil drawings of polar bears
Year 1 Inuit inspired printing
Year 1 Combining media and shapes