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Term 3

This is what we have been focusing on this term:

  • Maths- Formal column method + Shape and Space with comparing areas
  • English- 'Until I met Dudley', writing to explain and FArTHER, writing to entertain. 
  • R.E- Faith as a Superpower- Christianity and Hinduism 
  • Science- Animal Classification and Their Habitats
  • Humanities-  Mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes
  • P.E- Fitness and Dance
  • Computing- Starting to look at
  • French- Food
  • Music- Drums- Rhythm 
  • PSHE- Diverse Britain 
  • Art- Arts of Display

During our spellings lessons we have been learning how to effectively use dictionaries and thesaurus’

Our first few lessons of computing are going well- we figuring out how to program the explorer to collect all of the gems in the mine! This means estimating how many pixels you need to move and remembering to place a “collect” code in as well.

Oh no! There’s been an earthquake! Wrens have been learning all about a few natural disasters in Geography this term. Here they are practising how to protect themselves in the event of an earthquake! Ask them if they can remember the layers of the Earth from our first lesson.
