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Term 1

What an exciting term it has been settling into and becoming a part of Robins class. Have a great half term!

We learnt the t and i sounds. We spotted sounds in the environment as well as sort pictures by sound. We have been thinking of words that rhyme as we made rhyming strings.We have also started blending and segmenting activities. In Maths we have been learning about sorting and talking about sorting rules e.g. colour, size, shape etc. We are exercising our right to vote as part of British values and have begun making our choice of which book we would like to be read at the end of the day during story time.

In Robins we began learning about Phonics as well as spotting sounds in the environment. In Maths we learnt about matching and sorting. We also drew and painted self portraits, and used our imagination during own learning time.

We engaged in fine motor activities as we get ready for mark making activities. Every activity that challenged us is helped us to develop resilience. Next week we will be starting Phonics lessons so have a look at our Phonics tab on the class page.

Our first week in Robins class - the children have settled extremely well in their new environment and have enjoyed their first few days in school.
