Term 2
This term our topic is My Five Senses!
Dear Santa
Term 2 week 7
This week we have been reading the book Dear Santa by Rod Campbell. The Elves workshop in the classroom has been busy wrapping toys ready for Santa to deliver. In the Wendy House there has been toy building ready to stock up the sleighs for the reindeers to pull. We were very excited to have a surprise visit from Santa on Thursday.
We all enjoyed performing our songs during the Christmas Experience.
Term 2 Week 6
The Greatest Journey
We were very excited to see the pantomime in the village hall on Monday. This week we have started to learn about The Nativity story. Children have been recreating the roles of the shepherds and kings. We have painted the characters from the story to make a display on our class wall. You can also see the beautiful stained glass windows hanging on classroom windows. These show the scenes from the Nativity. We have also been very busy practising our songs for our Christmas Experience next week!
The Christmas Pine
The Christmas Pine
This week we have enjoyed the story The Christmas Pine by Julia Donaldson. We have been threading leaves through elastic bands to make our own pine trees. The continious falling of the leaves in our garden has kept the Barn Owls busy. They have been sweeping, and then having fun jumping into the pile of leaves and throwing them!
Inside we have made our own pine tree triangle, which we decorated and then put them altogether to make one huge pine tree, which we are very proud of.
The green playdough and the Christmas cutters have been very popular too. Today on Friday, 1st December we have decorated the classroom and put our Nativity Advent calendar on display. We have also started to practice our songs ready for the EYFS Christmas Experience in a couple of weeks.
Diwali and World Nursery Rhyme Week
Term 2 Week 3
This week we have been learning about Diwali, the Hindu festival of Light. We have also been celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week too.
Children have been preparing and decorating the home corner for the Diwali celebrations. They were busy making Diya lamps from clay and paper lanterns to use light to decorate the room. Barn Owls have also enjoyed dressing up and dancing to music as part of the celebrations. We made Rangoli patterns on the ground with chalk and in the tuff tray using rice, lentils and dry powder paint. We were very proud of our patterns.
As part of World Nursery Rhyme week we have been sharing our favourite nursery rhymes, adding actions and musical instruments. We have performed them to the class too.
It was a Cold Dark Night
Term 2 Week 1
This week we have been reading the story of Ned the hedgehog who is trying to find a home on a cold, dark night. We have enjoyed learning about different nocturnal animals. In our garden is the hedgehog house we built for any visiting hedgehogs.
As many of us had seen firework displays over the weekend, we used this to inspire our art this week. There are junk modelling rockets zooming over our display board. In the garden we had a great time flicking paint at a sheet to create an exploding firework. We also used 2D and 3D shapes to make rockets, and chalked firework shapes and patterns on the ground.
On Friday we joined the Robins class at Forest school, where we took our poppy wreath we had made to observe two minutes silence to reflect and think about those brave and kind people in wars.
Pumpkin Soup
Term 2 Week 1
It was lovely to see our Barn Owls back after their half term break. This week our story was 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper. Just like the cat, duck and squirrel in the story we have been working together to get jobs done. During the holiday lots of leaves had fallen in our garden. The children worked together to sweep them up and tidy the garden. We enjoyed going on an autumn walk around the grounds, looking for signs of autumn and collecting different leaves.
The Barn Owls followed instructions to use tools to put a hole in the conkers, so they could be threaded on to string. They also listened carefully and used the tools for peeling, cutting and scooping to make pumpkin soup. It was delicious!
On our pumpkin theme, this week we have been making playdough pumpkin characters, stirring our orange and sparkly pumpkin soup in the water tray and printing pumpkin shapes.