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Term 5

This is what we have been focusing on this term:

  • Maths - Fractions and Perimeter
  • English - Clean up! - Letter writing to persuade. 
  • R.E - Why is food important and why do people give it up? 
  • Science - Electricity
  • Humanities - Life as an Anglo-Saxon
  • P.E - Tag Rugby and Tennis.
  • D&T Our edible garden. 
  • French - Our French calendar
  • Music - Rhythm and polyrhythms
  • PSHE - Our Changing Bodies
  • Art - Still Life and Shading techniques


Our final lesson of Computing this year! We learnt about Binary Code and the different forms it can take such as numbers, 1 and 0, colours, black and white and even the signs for addition and subtraction! We then made our own binary brackets using hammerheads and then went around the room decoding each others jewellery!

We started our edible garden module in D.T. We tasted a variety of herbs and planted our own- meaning we can track the growth of the herbs over the rest of the term.
