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Brilliant Books

What book should I read?

Reading offers children access to worlds they may never see; perspectives they may never have encountered; vocabulary that opens new doors in their writing and ideas that spark their imaginations and lust for life.

There are some truly wonderful books for children aged 8-14 but sometimes it is difficult to know what to read and even harder for parents to decide what is a 'high quality text' book. 

Our school reading scheme is designed to develop the children's reading skills and expose them to a wide range of genre and vocabulary but it doesn't mean they can't read anything else! Here are some of my favourites - you will find some of them in the reading scheme.


You can find tips for the best children's books at these websites


Here are my other suggestions:

I'm currently loving all the books by the incredible Katherine Rundell including Rooftoppers, The Explorer, The Girl Savage and The Wolf Wilder. The vocabulary in these books is incredible.

- Wonder by R J Palacio

-The Messenger Bird by Ruth Eastham.

-The Memory Box by Ruth Eastham.

-Holes by Louis Sacher.

-Itch by Simon Mayo.

-Sky Hawk by Gill Lewis.

-My name is Mina by David Almond.

-Skelleg by David Almond.

-Trash by Andy Mulligan.

-The other side of the Truth by Beverley Naidoo.

- Broken Glass by Sally Grindley.

-The boy in the striped pyjamas by John Boyne.

-Five Children on the Western Front by Kate Saunders.

-Fortunately the Milk by Neil Garmin.

-A boy and a bear in a boat by Dave Sheldon.

-Breaking Starlin's nose by Eugene Yelchin.

-Toby Alone by Timothee de Fombelle

-The Astounding Brocolli Boy by Frank Cottell-Boyce

-The Last Wolf by Michael Mopurgo

-The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken

-Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf by Catherine Storr



Some great book series

-Alex Rider

-Charlie Bone

-Harry Potter

-How to train your dragon (The original book is completely different to the film)

-Spy Girl

-Flying Fergus

-A series of unfortunate events

- Percy Jackson

-In 30 seconds (non fiction books about Space, Earth, Inventions, Science and much more)


Brilliant picture books that offer lots of opportunity for discussion as well as quality text

-The lost happy endings


-Cloud tea monkeys

-Leon and the place between

-The man who walked between the towers

-Black dog

-Wolves in the wall

-How to live forever

-Tell me a dragon

-Way Home

-The Wonder

-The Promise

-The Land of Never Believe


Gorgeous picture books without text that will spark discussion and imagination

-Flotsam by David Weisner (he has many other wonderful books)

-Journey, Quest (and soon Return) by Aaron Becker

-The Arrival

-Imagine by Norman Messenger


and finally some authors who have written lots of brilliant books

-Michael Mopurgo

-Roald Dahl

-Philip Pullman

-Sally Grindley

-David Almond

-Ruth Eastham

-Katherine Rundell

- Gill Lewis
