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Term 4

So far this week - growing tadpoles, dinosaur world's, play dough snakes and campfires...

Catching the snow on our tongues! Sadly there was not enough to make a snowman

We have really been enjoying using our outdoor space in the sunshine. Here are some of the things we have been getting up to!

This week we have been exploring the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We have built our own magic beanstalk in our classroom and have used our imagination and phonics skills to write about what our own magic beans would grow into. Outside we have been making magical potions in the water kitchen to send the giant to sleep! At the end of the week we got a letter from the giant because he was feeling lonely, we thought about different ways we could cheer him up and made posters about how we can be kind friends.

Red nose day! We had lots of fun taking part in red nose day themed activities. We looked at how red noses have changed over the years and used the playdough to design our own. We also did a smelling test where we had to use our nose to guess what was hidden in the cup, we made some super guesses! Finally, we took part in a special red nose day egg and spoon race!

Our first few weeks back enjoying the classroom and garden
