Welcome to Year 2 Kingfishers!
This term our topic is...BRILLIANT BRAZIL!
Teaching Team
Class Teacher: Mrs Hutchinson (Mon-Wed) Miss Bennett (Wed-Fri)
Class TAs: Mr Blagrove, Mrs Bagnall (Mon&Tues) & Miss Whitaker (Wed-Fri)
Key Information:
PE is on Tuesday and Thursday. Children need a pair of shorts in school all the time for indoor PE and earrings and watches must be removed for PE.
Reading books will be changed once a week on a Thursday – reading records will be checked, please record when you hear your child read, if this is not done we will not change the book because we will assume that the book has not been finished. Children should read their book as much as possible within this time to build up their resilience and word recognition
Children need to bring their reading wallets into school every day.
What we are learning
How can you help your child at home?
Reading - At this age, the most important thing is reading regularly. This can be reading to your child, shared reading and listening to them read. Asking them questions about what they have read and how the characters have behaved and are feeling is essential.
Writing - Make the most of real life situations to encourage your child to write, such as writing a shopping list, a letter, postcard, instructions or even keeping a diary.