How do we work with parents and children?
We will always contact parents if we have a concern that a child may have a special educational need. We work closely with children with SEND and their parents to agree outcomes and how we will all work towards these, and then to review progress. We do this by holding regular meetings specifically, parents evenings, ad hoc phone calls/emails and scheduled video meetings.
Adapting the curriculum
- We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all children including those with SEND. Details are published on the school’s website. The way we adapt this for children with SEND and disabled children is set out in the School Accessibility Plan.
- We have specific targeted interventions to support children in making accelerated progress in class across the curriculum.
- We have at least two members of staff in every classroom.
What expertise can we offer?
- All staff have received training in the adoption of the new SEND Code of Practice.
- All staff have training in safeguarding and SEN approaches, for example bitesized training in specific SEND diagnosis such as Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD
- A School Health Nurse.
- Bespoke emotional wellbeing support in the form of a 5 week program.
- We buy in time from an Educational Psychologist including bespoke whole staff training.
- Communication and Interaction Team support
- We buy in speech and language support for EYFS children
We also have access to a range of specialist support services including:
- SENSS, who support students with communication and language, sensory needs and physical needs.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Oxfordshire School Inclusion Team
- Therapy Services
- Children’s Social Care
Information about these services and what they offer can be found on the Oxfordshire County Council SEND web pages: Services to support children learning.
- We always discuss the involvement of specialist SEND services with parents first.
- We also work with other services and organisations that are involved with a family, with the family’s permission.
How do we know if SEND provision is effective?
The progress of all children is tracked throughout with regular data reports, updated profiles and provision mapping.
In addition, for children with SEND we regularly review progress towards agreed outcomes assessing whether the support that’s been in place has made a difference and what we need to do next. We evaluate this progress against age related expectations.
When we run special intervention programmes for groups of children we assess how successful they have been and use that information to decide on how best to run them in the future.
Information about how the governing body evaluates the success of the education that is provided for pupils with SEND is contained within the annual report to the Curriculum and Standards Committee of the Governors.
How are children with SEND helped to access activities outside of the classroom?
All children are included in activities and trips following risk assessments where needed and in accordance with duties under the Equalities Act 2010. We talk to parents and children when planning trips so that everyone is clear about what will happen.
There is information about activities and events for disabled students and those with SEND in Oxfordshire in the Family Information Directory: