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Our School Curriculum


Our school vision runs through our curriculum. We are ambitious for our school community. We hope that children will increasingly use their knowledge to give them a deep understanding of their place in the world and their power to advocate for change creatively through confident articulation. We strive to give children strong foundations through the development characteristics of effective learning through:


Playing and exploring

Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’

Active learning

Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

Building bodies of knowledge

Children must have a secure knowledge base from which to draw

Creating and thinking critically

Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things


To promote our three core values in our teaching:


Responsive teaching for each unique child


Positive relationships


Enabling environments encourage independence


To foster Christian distinctiveness through key strands:

Vision, Wisdom, Character, Community, Dignity and Worship

Key threads run though our curriculum


Oracy is a key theme, with carefully planned work in all subjects to develop children’s ability to articulate their thinking (eg sentence stems, reasoning in maths, role play, debates)


Understanding power is a key theme, to help children understand the impact of power on human relations, and the methods by which this can be challenged. For example:

  • Developing an understanding of local and national politics in our personal development curriculum
  • Noticing power relationships between characters in stories and novels in English
  • Developing an understanding of who is charge having an impact in history
  • Understanding how human power impacts geographical territory and our impact on the natural world
  • Understanding our own personal power to make protective choices in PSHCE
  • Understanding how we can nourish our personal power through spiritual reflection in RE


Creativity is a key theme, with threads in all subjects encouraging children to play with the knowledge they have to respond with increasing originality to stimulus, for example with sentence stacking in creative writing, open ended art tasks, and encouragement to compose in music.


We believe these have a particular impact on SEND and disadvantaged children.



In classrooms you will see the following which incorporate all elements of SMSC:


Enabling environments


  • Warm, loving and confident adults
  • Consistent routines and classroom rituals
  • Appropriate stimulating resources/starting points


  • Application of behaviour strategies including IBPs
  • Evidence of listening to children’s explanations/reasoning
  • Evidence of respectful challenge of thinking


  • Opportunities for independence/challenge selection
  • Appropriate time balance to allow for play, problem solving and independence
  • Time for reflection


Teaching and learning


  • Structured planning including interleaving of knowledge
  • Retrieval of prior knowledge
  • Modelling, including vocabulary


  • Responsive teaching eg observations, marking, questioning, mini plenaries
  • Focus and control of who is speaking
  • Adaptation eg change of direction/approach, additional questions to deepen thinking


  • Time and support for independent practice and play
  • Children responding to feedback
  • Children reflecting on how successful learning has been


Disciplinary knowledge 

  • Each subject has identified key concepts and important core knowledge, and is sequenced these carefully to ensure ambitious end points
  • Inclusive and ambitious for all regardless of a child’s  prior attainment
  • Cultural capital is woven through the curriculum by exposing children to rich content and deliberately related to current issues locally and globally.
  • Bespoke interventions are in place for children falling behind or needing additional challenge.


Personal Development

A rich programme of events which enable children to develop children through our values towards their personal development through five themes:

  • Leadership and higher calling
  • Inclusive participation
  • Self care
  • Presentation and advocacy


Children's work is assessed in a variety of ways:

  • Classroom feedback
  • Recorded work
  • Responsive marking
  • Pupil voice
  • Diagnostic tests and question level analysis
  • Case studies
  • Summative progress tracking

Our School Curriculum Diagram

In the event of children being unable to attend school, please see our remote education statement.
