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Term 1

What an exciting year we have ahead! The joy of Year 5 is the depth of the learning and the rapid growth in understanding of the wider world around us. Our curriculum is jam-packed with awe, wonder and challenge; starting with a focus on the natural world. Take a look at the Class Curriculum section of our webpage to discover what we will be learning about through the year and below you will find an overview for this term.


How pride contributes to a Growth Mindset.

Having a positive attitude is just one step towards being a successful learner. Our mindset towards facing challenges, overcoming failure and being resilient is another. In Red Kites, we identify the approaches that help us to have a positive mindset. We find it easier to do this when we can see how what we are learning builds on what we have learnt before, when the vocabulary we need is clear and when our books become a resource for revisiting and revising. So, we take great pride in our books. We use: a highlighting system to help us easily find headings, key vocabulary and questions; familiar page structures for each lesson; drawings, tables, bullet points, sketches and mind-maps to show our learning and ideas and 'mostly' remember to use a ruler! Now, when we open our books, we can see our progress and find facts and concepts that we have learnt which, in turn, helps us to be positive about what we can achieve.

Rivers, rocks and potatoes 🥔
