Kabubu School
We are fortunate to have strong links with Kabubu Church of Uganda school. Each year, we send a scrap book to the children there. They tell us what pictures they would be most interested in and we send the book via a contact from the village community who visits regularly. Our lives are very different - for example, we cannot send digital photographs electronically because they cannot show them. However, each year we enjoy sharing pictures which show there are so many things that are the same. we wear the same colour uniform, look after our school gardens, and enjoy reading, writing and stories.
The children in Kabubu have a speech day and craft sale, rather like the way we have a summer fete.
In March 2022, after a break due to the pandemic, Maya returned to Kabubu School. She took with her a book of photographs a group of Year 6 children had compiled showing the different curriculum areas and how they are taught in our school. We were all delighted to see these photographs of the children enjoying looking at the book.
The children at Kabubu learn most of the same subjects that we do!