Term 3
Term 3 - Polar Explorers!
This term we become explorers as we find out about The Arctic (North Pole) and The Antarctic (South Pole). We will be locating where they are geographically and comparing them with each other and the UK. We will be finding out what animals live in each pole and how they are adapted to suit such a cold climate. But is there human life on either of the poles? This is a question we will be investigating, which will lead us onto learning about some traditional people and some famous explorers and expeditions. During the term we will also have a go at making an igloo, creating some amazing pieces of icy art and even become polar explorers ourselves!
Polar Explorers Gallery

These pieces of art were created over 3 lessons and introduced the children to wax resistance, colour washing, layering and texture and perspective with forefront and background. First we created the sky with swirled patterns using a white wax crayon, then applied a blue colour wash, using side to side brush action. Next we tore paper of different colour and thickness, layering them to create the water and ice. Finally, we discussed perspective and how things appear larger when nearer and smaller when further away – the children drew 2 or more penguins using black and white card and then thought about where to stick them depending on their size.