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Term 2

This is what we have been focusing on this term:

  • Maths- Continuing number and place value- focusing on number line and comparing
  • English- 'Tar Beach'- script writing and shape poems 
  • R.E- Why is Christmas so important to Christians 
  • Science- States of Matter
  • Humanities- Mountain ranges and country-borders 
  • P.E- Gymnastics and Volleyball
  • D.T- Levers - Designing and making our own moving posters about recycling  
  • French- Animals, seasons and colours
  • Music- Developing our keyboard skills
  • PSHE- Think positive- positive mindsets and overcoming challenges
  • Art- Telling a story through pictures 

Wrens are loving starting to come up with their own melodies and are becoming confident in working their way around a keyboard!

Today the Wrens were looking into probability. Looking into how often we roll a certain number. We all rolled two dice, added the numbers and kept a tally. We then discussed the correlation between results.

Today the wrens made their own water cycle- ask them about the four stages!

In P.E the wrens played some competitive handball after learning how to throw the ball accurately.

We finally finished our Tar Beach English module! We took some time to act out a few of the scripts we had written.
