Academy Status Consultation
Over the past few months, the leadership and Governors of Sutton Courtenay Church of England Primary School have been considering the possibility of the school becoming an academy. You will have read about this in the recent newsletters. An important part of the process involves a consultation with everyone involved, and we are holding this consultation between Tuesday 8th May and Tuesday 12th June.
As Governors and Headteacher, we have looked in detail at the options available to us and we have agreed that becoming an academy, as part of the Ridgeway Education Trust (RET), is the best solution.
If you are already associated with the school, you will have received a letter and a set of Frequently Asked Questions to help inform you. On Monday 4th June we are holding a consultation meeting in the School Hall at 7pm. This will give you an opportunity to meet representatives from RET, and to ask any questions that you may wish to raise.
Follow this link to the page on this website with more information: