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  • Then Number Fact Challenge Is Underway

    Fri 28 Feb 2020 Ms Parks
    Today’s assembly saw the first group of children able to add balls to their house jar in the Number Fact Challenge. Children receive a sticker, certificate and chance to add a ball when they have completed five levels, answering a challenging, age appropriate set of number fact questions in 3 or 4 minutes. Adding the balls to the jars caused great excitement and it was a very lively assembly!
  • Two Heads Are Better Than One

    Fri 28 Feb 2020 Mrs Hornsey
    Today I had the pleasure of watching Falcons class working together solving maths problems and explaining their reasoning together. As you can see, everyone was working really hard and using their maths in lots of practical contexts. They were finding how much more enjoyable it is to work together on problems and bounce ideas off each other. 
  • Dinosaur Day

    Fri 28 Feb 2020 Mrs Potter
    Roar! Today Robins have had a dinosaur day!  Every child has a pet dinosaur. They have a list of activities their dinosaur must do. These include getting fitted out for uniform, doing some writing, getting a name label and having their portrait painted. Dinosaurs have to learn our school rules and show they are ready, respectful and responsible, and their little owners must show them how. A great day of learning that has really captured the children’s imagination!
  • 26th February 2020

    Wed 26 Feb 2020
  • Gardening update

    Wed 26 Feb 2020 Mr Greenough
    Today the gardeners were working hard weeding the borders and preparing the ground ready to plant more spring bulbs. We had to be careful not to disturb the wall flowers which are just coming out. It was lovely working in the sunshine when it cane out!
  • Pancake Party!

    Tue 25 Feb 2020 Mrs Hornsey
    Happy Pancake Day! Today Reverend Helen came with her team to cook pancakes for us after school.  The Year 6 children stayed to take orders and serve. Pancakes were served with lemon and sugar or syrup. There was also a raffle of Easter eggs. All profits will go to Christian Aid, a charity which supports people in less well developed countries with simple local projects. 
  • Victory Against Stanford-in-the-Vale

    Mon 24 Feb 2020 Mrs Knight
    Congratulations to our football team who played a great home match against Stanford-in-the-Vale tonight. The final score was 1all after a great equaliser goal in the second half from Ashton. The match then went to penalties. Rudi saved two goals and then came out of the goal to strike a final goal of his won which ended the match. Well played everyone! Thanks to Mr Heelas who refereed the match and also put the team through their paces in a training session this afternoon in preparation for the match. 
  • Launch of the Number Fact Challenge

    Sun 23 Feb 2020 Ms Parks

    In Term Four we are launched the Number Fact Challenge. Children in KS1 and KS2 will be taking part in an exciting house point competition that will test and improve their knowledge of number facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They will work through 25 levels, moving up at level each time they get full marks. 'Knowing' rather than 'working out' is crucial for the children's success as they will be against the clock! At levels 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 the children will be awarded a house point for their house - all building up to that all important non-uniform day prize. Key an eye on the progress of each house by watching the 'jars' in the Hall.

    You can help your child at home by practising lots and lots. Follow this link to find out what your child needs to know. 

  • Help for Koalas

    Fri 14 Feb 2020 Mrs Hornsey
    Lara raised £142 from her cake sales at school and with family and friends. Here she is with her certificate from the World Wildlife Fund. 
  • Super Readers

    Fri 14 Feb 2020 Mrs Hornsey
    These children in Robins class have achieved certificates for their reading at home. Each time they read and their records are signed by an adult at home, it counts towards the next certificate. By reading at home, they are having the very best start to their education. Children who read at home are 13 times more likely to reach the expected level. Remember, reading is FREE!  There can be no excuse for not making it part of the daily routine. It builds emotional bonds between you and your child and sets them up for life. 