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Term 5

What is at the Bottom of My Garden?

Term 5

We are looking forward to the Summer term and hopefully some better weather. We will be welcoming some new children to the class this term. Our topic will keep us busy outside looking at how our plants are growing and changing. There will be some new additions to the garden too! The tadpoles are currently in a tank in the classroom, but they will be enjoying their new home in the nursery garden as we watch them grow and change into frogs. This term we will be enjoying some visits to Forest school, as part of our topic and to allow the children who will be going up to the Robins class to experience  what will be a weekly session for them in Reception.


This week we have been reading the story of Dudley's Garden, where we learnt how important a pond is for lots of different creatures. We have been using watercolour paints to create pictures of all the different creatures. They are on our class display. You will see dragonflies, a hedgehog, fish, frogs,  birds and plants.

We made our own frog masks and moved in different ways around the garden just like a frog, by hopping, jumping and diving!

There was great excitement when  we went pond dipping at Forest school on Thursday. We brought some of the pond water back to make our own small pond in the nursery garden for our tadpoles, so we can watch them grow and change.

On Friday we had a science afternoon with the Robins class. There were four different activities.  We planted sunflower seeds, made a worm hotel, created a rainbow and explored shadows!


The Very Busy Spider

This week we have been reading the story The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle. We have been learning facts about spiders and pretending to be a spider by weaving our own webs and moving in and out of the giant web in our garden. A question we were thinking about this week is 'What moves on the ground in our garden?'  We can wriggle like a worm, prowl like a cat, run like a dog and scurry like a beetle, to name just a few! The Barn Owls have also been taking turns and sharing as we played games together.
