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Red Kites

Welcome Back Red Kites

We are delighted to have everyone back in class. It has been a challenging term but everyone has faced it with a fantastic attitude. Today we reflected on the positive impact the lockdown has had on us, including how we have developed new skills, tried new activities, improved existing skill, supported our families and become more resilient. We are looking forward to the rest of the term using our new skills to work together.  

Well done everyone! smiley

Below are some photographs of our team challenges - which we discovered were more challenging that we first throught!

Red Kites


Investigating perimeter and making Christmas mobiles on R.E. Day.

Term 2

6th November

Red Kites have started term 2 with a fanatastic attitude to learning. Everyone is getting on well with the routines within our 'bubble' and supporting each other in learning and in play.  We have been working on positive attitudes and high expectation, and it has been lovely to see such an improvement in presentation of work and seeing how proud children are of their work when they have presented it well.  We have also been working on a 'no opt out' approach so that everyone takes part in the learning at all times.  It is great to see so many children gaining confidence in offering their ideas in class.  This is also because the children are so supportive of one another and have made it a safe place to learn, knowing that mistakes are OK and part of the learning process.  Well done, Red Kites. 

We read and explored the novel 'Journey to Jo'burg' last term, and the children discussed their ideas, and asked such very thoughtful and probing questions, learning a lot about the history of Apartheid and how it impacted on people's lives.  This linked to their work on diversity and an understanding the 'Black Lives Matter' movement.

This term we are reading 'The Closest Thing to Flying' by Gill Lewis.  Once again we are looking forward to exploring the characters and ideas through our 'Book Talk' sessions. 

I have put a few photographs below of some of the activities we have been doing.  Take a look at our curriculum overview at the top of the page to see what else we will be doing this term.

Making our star sign constellations with torches.

Our PSHCE challenge, testing out our mindset. Do we have a fixed or growth mindset when faced with a difficult challenge?

25th September

Well done for another great week, Red Kites.  Your planet art is on the slideshow below.  What fabulous artists you all are.  Mr Greenough thought they were published posters when he saw them!  I have also added some of your sketchbook work on line drawing. 

Planets: Exploring light and shade using pastels.

 18th September

Well done to everyone for settling into school well and becoming more familiar with the new routines.  Thank you to all parents and carers for supporting us with these.  This week we have been continuing with activities based on the picture book 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. The children have been writing some beautiful poetry and song lyrics which celebrate our wonderful world.  In science we have been learning about our solar system and creating pastel pictures of planets, using art skills to create light and shade.  Photographs will be uploaded when we have put the artwork together.  This term we introduce our new 'Power Maths' scheme and we are working hard to revise and develop our maths skills in place value and number.  Below are a few pictures to show how we are working together as learning partners.

Investigating and exploring ideas in Science and Maths

Welcome back Red Kites and Families

5th September

Well done Red Kites for a great start to the new school year. It has been lovely to see so many smiling eager faces. You all have done so well getting used to the new routines and have been so supportive of each other.  Your ideas and comments have been fantastic and thoughtful, and have made Mrs Clark and I smile.  smiley

3rd September

We have been excited about starting the new term and seeing the children again, and are so happy to have had a super first day back.  Mrs Clark and I are looking forward to working with the children and helping them on this step of their learning journey. We have lots of exciting topics and activities planned for the term ahead.  During our first two weeks we will be using the picture book 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers which is a beautiful book that helps children to make sense of our amazing world and their place within it. We will use it to stimulate discussion about many issues and themes, and to develop poetry, art and other forms of writing. 

 On Wednesday afternoons, we are very lucky to have specialist staff from our academy partnership schools who will be teaching the children P.E. and Music. 

