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Useful Information about your child's class

Some of our Barn Owl friends have allergies so we are extremely careful about snacks and cookery we participate in.



When it is your child's birthday and if they would like to celebrate by handing a small gift to each child in their class such as sweets or share a cake - please do speak to a member of staff prior to the celebration.

Although this has been  custom in lots of schools to hand  out sweets, we want to reassure you this is not something you have to participate in. When it is a child's birthday we celebrate in class with singing and a pretend birthday cake with candles to blow out. The children love making birthday cards for each other as well.


Toys brought from home:

We understand that sometimes encouraging your little Barn Owl to school means bringing something to show the teachers. Please can you make sure the item they bring is no bigger than a show box. The item will be looked at and then placed in what we call 'day care' which is above the interactive whiteboard to 'watch their owner have fun'. We discourage items brought from home as much as possible for many reasons including getting lost/broken causing upset with others as Barn Owls are still learning to share.


Using the toilet:

We know some children find it hard to use the toilet and may come wearing pull ups. A carer/parent and a member of staff will draw up an intimate care plan. This will outline how we will encourage your child to be as independent as possible and working towards wearing pants. We do not supply pull ups or nappies and ask parents to supply a bag at the beginning of term.

The toilets are smaller than normal and are cleaned regularly throughout the day. If your child is starting to use the toilet independently but you are worried, they will need reminding - please talk to a member of staff.


Lunch times:

Lunch times are a sociable event. Lunch boxes are emptied onto a plate, so all children are eating from a plate at the same time. Staff eat with the children and children are encouraged to chat whilst they eat. Using a knife and fork is a taught skill at nursery for any children having a hot dinner. Hot dinner and pack lunch children are sat together in the classroom at small tables. Any food not eaten will be packed back into their lunch box. If your child has a hot dinner, we will always mention to you if they have not eaten much that day or they appear to not like the option.


 15hrs sharing with another child also on 15hrs to fulfil a 30hr place:

There is potential to share your 15hr sessions with another child to make a 30hr place. This is only ever organised by the class teachers. When sharing your 15hr, your child will be able to do two full days and one half day session. On the full days you will need to pay for the lunch time supervision. If this is something you would be interested in, please get in touch with Mrs Potter or Mrs Holderness.
